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< Previous10 Let’s Talk Bayside STUDY SPACE The library provides a safe and accessible environment for our community to learn and develop Early bird benefits LIBRARY The Bayside community can now enjoy extended hours at the Brighton Library with the introduction of a pilot program. Launched following a three-week trial earlier this year, the benefits for library- goers are many and varied. The new extended hours are aimed at supporting families coming to the library after morning school drop-off; providing quieter time for patrons with sensory needs; providing safe spaces for students to connect with each other and opportunities for community members working from home, starting their workday at the library. Increased availability of meeting room spaces and self-serve coffee/tea trolley will be available again during the three-month pilot. Avid library-goer and local resident David Johnston uses Brighton Library services such as printers, scanners and meeting rooms. “If the meeting rooms are booked, I go out to the gardens on site, which are so nice,” he said. David, who often works from the library, noted an influx of younger community members taking advantage of the previous pilot service — especially in the lead-up to exams and during school holidays. “I go to the library a lot and part of it was letting people know that the library was opening at 9am, because it’s been 10am forever. I was often at the doors waiting for the 10am opening — and a lot more people were using the 9am opening,” David said. The three-month pilot runs from October though to December. Find out more ON COUNTRY The Indigenous Coastal Trail includes works of contemporary Indigenous artists and is based on stories authored by Boon Wurrung Elder Carolyn Briggs. The trail outlines the close relationship between Kulin Nations culture and the coastal environment Commitment to reconciliation COMMUNITY Council is committed to implementing the Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) as it enters its second year. The second iteration of the Reconciliation Action Plan aims to build on our journey to reconciliation, through continued work, sponsorship and celebration of Australia’s First Nations peoples. Council supports a range of programs on our journey to reconciliation including art exhibitions, school programs and award ceremonies. Some of the highlights of our RAP include the naming of Yalukit Willam Nature Reserve to acknowledge the Traditional Owners, Ellen Jose Student Reconciliation Awards and the inclusion of the Acknowledgement of Country in Council buildings and communications, including in this magazine. Council’s support for the Voice to Parliament and sharing of information on the purpose, process and importance of the referendum on 14 October reflects the commitment to reconcilation. Find out more about the Reconciliation Action Plan indigenousbayside Turn your stash into cash 11-12 & 18-19 NOV Made locally possible by Join 400,000 Australians & extend the life of your stuff. It’s garage sales made easy with free registration, how-to guides and promotional resources. Register for free at the switch SUSTAINABILITY We’re working towards our 2035 net zero emissions target making it easier for you to make the switch to electrifying everything in your home for a cleaner, healthier future. Residential gas accounts for 17% of Bayside’s community emissions. By taking part in this transition, we’re joining the growing local government and community movement to electrify everything across Australia. All electric homes powered by solar and GreenPower provide a cleaner and healthier environment for all of us, and we want to help you make the switch. Save energy in the home With rising utility bills, taking steps to reduce your energy use will have a big impact on your hip pocket. Optimising your home is the best way to reduce costs, emissions and ensure your home is more resilient to extreme temperatures. Active cooling systems such as fans and air conditioners play their part when cooling a house, but passive techniques that focus on windows, draught proofing, ventilation, insulation and landscaping can reduce energy use in keeping a house cool during the heat of the summer months. Create your Go Electric House plan and pledge A Go Electric house plan helps you choose, prioritise and upgrade your appliances and vehicle when they’re due for replacement to help you enjoy the benefits of an all-electric home. Once you develop your plan, we can assist you in installing electric appliances at affordable rates and discover other ways to make your house more energy efficient. This process can take time, planning and vary in level of investment, though the most important step is to make a start. Win from making the switch Register to receive a quote to upgrade your appliances, tell us what you love about electrifying your home, and you could win induction-friendly cookware and a home energy audit. Find out more households START THE SPARK Converting to electricity will help us reach our 2035 net zero emissions target Come along to our free information sessions to find out more Wednesday 1 November 7:30pm - Highett Room Bayside City Council Corporate Centre Saturday 25 November 10am – Small Hall Beaumaris Library 96 Reserve Road Register for sessions: Create your Go Electric House plan and win: ElectrifyEverything 12 Let’s Talk BaysideSelf-sufficient and sustainable WASTE AND RECYCLING Learn how to repair, recycle and reuse household items instead of throwing them away. The new Roving Repair Program is a series of workshops run by volunteers and trained professionals to help you develop new skills and reduce the amount of waste we create. Repairing, repurposing and reusing will decrease our impact on the environment and create a more circular economy. David Williams is an expert volunteer repairer at the events and is excited about the program’s potential. “This is another way we encourage the community to repair and reuse and recycle their stuff instead of throwing it away and filling up landfill,” David said. “It’s up to us now as community members to support this worthy initiative, if we can encourage the community to do more by holding these workshops, that means Bayside as a whole will contribute to reducing waste, and maybe help change the mindset about repurposing our things.” Workshops will occur across Bayside, and each event will have a particular focus: textiles and clothes, electronics and appliances, toys and small furniture, bicycles, and more. We are committed to bringing experienced repairers together with people just starting their repair journey to learn and share knowledge. All the events are free and easy to book. Reserve your place now by visiting: Roving Repair Program events include Small electronics workshop Saturday, 14 October, from 10am to 1pm at Beaumaris Library - Small Hall, 96 Reserve Rd, Beaumaris. Make, do and mend together workshop Saturday, 21 October, at 10am at Sandringham Library, 2 Waltham St, Sandringham. Woodwork, toys and other non-wired items workshop Sunday, 12 November, from 10am to 1pm at Brighton Men’s Shed, 210 Dendy St, Brighton East. Bike maintenance workshop Saturday, 25 November, from 10am to 1pm at Bayside Community Nursery, 315-317 Reserve Rd, Cheltenham. Let’s Talk Bayside 1314 Let’s Talk Bayside Returning to childhood inspirations ARTS Jane Burton’s dreamlike exhibition, Returning , has opened at Bayside Gallery. As part of the exhibition, the nationally renowned photographer created an atmospheric series of works for the Billilla Mansion Lightbox project. At the gallery, the exhibition features recent figurative works from the A phantom lover series (2020) and the series of ambrotypes from her 2022 series Kingdom of pleasure, which explored childhood recollections of St Kilda’s Luna Park. “With Billilla, which I visited many times in all weather, I tried to find myself and my history of childhood,” Jane said. “When I worked at Luna Park, I consciously and unconsciously saw it through the eyes of childhood. So, I remembered it from the memory of a child, but also as an adult.” Shining a light on nature’s darker side ZOONOSES highlights a serious topic in a whimsical way. Showcasing artworks by Dr Nicola Hooper, the exhibition explores the darker side of nature and transforms it into exquisite, thought-provoking art. Through drawing and lithography, Nicola uses fairy-tale iconology and rhymes to explore concepts surrounding zoonoses (animal diseases that can infect humans) and how we perceive certain animals in the context of fear and disease. Nicola said, “These works use fairy tales, myths and rhymes as a metaphor to discuss zoonotic outbreaks in a non- threatening and restrained manner.” Jane Burton: Returning and ZOONOSES are on display until 5 November. For more information Bayside Gallery, corner Wilson and Carpenter Streets, Brighton BRIGHTEN BILLILLA Jane Burton’s exhibition is a must see if you’re visiting BillillaThe Aussie Bird Count with Sean “the Birdman” Dooley Join us to celebrate Bird Week with Sean “the Birdman” Dooley, a wonderful local author and absolute birdwatching champion. When: Wednesday 18 October 6:30pm – 7:30pm Where: Beaumaris Library “Grandparents” - Dr Michael Carr-Gregg, in conversation with Ilsa Evans Renowned expert and psychologist Dr Michael Carr-Gregg celebrates his new book, “Grandparents”, which acknowledges the immense contribution grandparents make. When: Thursday 2 November 6:00pm – 7:00pm Where: Brighton Library Bookings required: au/grandparents “Sisters of the Rising Sun” Heather Morris, in conversation with Claire Halliday Bestselling author Heather Morris chats with Claire Halliday about her new novel, “Sisters of the Rising Sun, set in the midst of WWII. When: Wednesday 15 November 6:30pm - 7:30pm Where: Beaumaris Large Hall Bookings required: “Pasta Love” and pasta making with Jaclyn Crupi Join Jaclyn Crupi, author of “Pasta Love”, to learn how to make fresh pasta at home and how to improve your dried pasta dishes too. When: Tuesday 28 November 6:00pm - 7:00pm Where: Sandringham Library Bookings required: pastalove “The Broken Wave” with Matthew Ryan Davies, in conversation with Gina Perry Come and join Matthew Ryan Davies as he discusses his second novel, “The Broken Wave”, with Gina Perry. When: Wednesday 29 November 6:30pm – 7:30pm Where: Beaumaris Library Adolescent Immunisation Session Has your secondary school student missed out any vaccinations? This is the last catch-up session of the year for students who may have missed standard immunisations offered in Years 7 and 10. When: Tuesday 5 December 4:30 pm – 6:00pm Where: Bayside City Council Corporate Centre, 76 Royal Avenue, Sandringham Bookings: book-immunisation- appointment-online Let’s Talk Bayside 15Advantage Rd Jessica Watson-Thorp - Artist at the JWT Art Studio and Curator of 26 ADVANTAGE Art Gallery Open Studios Sunday 22 October 2023 11am – 3pm Advantage Road, Highett Artist tours, talks & demonstrations Creative activities Live music Food Scan the QR code to find out moreNext >