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ISSUE 80 JUNE - JULY 2023 Budget 2023 - 24 Highett Grassy Woodland Youth AwardsBin Switch ......................p4 Highett Milestone............p5 Youth Awards .................p7 Grafitti Busters ............p10 NAIDOC Week...............p11 Exceptional Art.............p14 Your Councillors Councillors have a role in ensuring responsible and accountable governance. As elected community representatives, our councillors are involved in determining priorities and policies and establishing the strategic direction of the city. Mayor Cr Hanna El Mouallem Dendy Ward 0437 859 978 Deputy Mayor Cr Jo Samuel-King MBBS Castlefield Ward 0419 772 291 Cr Sonia Castelli Ivison Ward 0466 356 794 Cr Alex del Porto Bleazby Ward 0417 390 641 Cr Laurence Evans OAM Ebden Ward 0407 735 993 Cr Clarke Martin Beckett Ward 0466 356 805 Cr Fiona Stitfold Boyd Ward 0409 608 419 Inside this issue (03) 9599 4444 76 Royal Avenue, Sandringham /BaysideCityCouncil @BaysideCouncil @BaysideCityCouncil Customer service commitment We are committed to being easy to deal with, empathetic, effective and trusted. For more information on any of the items in this magazine, please call us on 9599 4444. Making a complaint or compliment Complaints can be made by phone, in person at our Corporate Centre or online at Bayside City Council proudly acknowledges the Bunurong People of the Kulin Nation as the Traditional Owners and Custodians of the land, and we pay our respects to their Elders, past, present and emerging. Cover: Maureen and Jackie both recently underwent shoulder surgery and the new equipment is helping with their recovery - see page 6. How to contact us Look up your ward Enter your address to see your ward and Councillor. councilwards Beckett Ward Ebden Ward Ivison Ward Boyd Ward Castlefield Ward Bleazby Ward Dendy Ward Marriage Rd Fewster Rd Willis St Hampton St Railway Cummins Rd Bluff Rd Dendy St Bay Rd Weatherall Rd Reserve Rd Keating St Balcome Rd Glen Huntly Rd Head St S a n d r i n g h a m R a i l w a y L i n e Edward St Red Bluff St North Rd Charman Rd Thomas St Nepean Hwy Frankston Railway LineLet’s Talk Bayside 3 Delivering on the fundamentals COUNCIL The budget also includes funding for “bread and butter” responsibilities, with a boost to footpath, road and infrastructure maintenance. The proposed Bayside City Council 2023-24 Budget provides for the delivery of programs and services to make Bayside a more liveable, inclusive and connected place, while investing in infrastructure. The $179.6 million budget focuses on four key areas, aligned with the 2021-2025 Council Plan over the next 12 months: • Our Planet – leading better, smarter and sustainable futures • Our People – nurturing all people and thriving healthy communities • Our Place – fostering Bayside’s liveability, open spaces and exceptional places • Our Promise – promising open and accountable civic leadership. As an ageing community, Bayside is continuing to provide to aged care services when some other providers are stepping away. The budget also includes funding for “bread and butter” responsibilities, with a boost to footpath, road and infrastructure maintenance. A liveable city needs a solid foundation, and this budget will help to deliver on the fundamentals. A $68.5 million capital works program will continue to provide contemporary facilities for the active and engaged Bayside community. This budget includes funding for Beaumaris Arts Centre, Brighton Recreational Centre, Fern Street Children’s Centre, Black Rock Life Saving Club Pavilion and Dendy Park Athletic Pavilion. The proposed budget includes funding to upgrade Bayside’s foreshore, parks and open spaces — with $13.4 million investment in initiatives such as the Hampton Foreshore Precinct, Red Bluff to Half Moon Bay Masterplan Stage 3, and William Street Reserve Sportsground Renewal. The transformation of Yalukit Willam Nature Reserve will continue this year — with the wetlands and gateway building projects. The budget will be largely funded by rates, with a 3.5% increase which is in line with the Victorian Government’s rate cap. The decision to increase rates is never taken lightly however this rate increase will enable us to continue to invest in important community infrastructure and provide services for our community in an environment of cost escalations well above the rate cap. The proposed 2023-24 Budget will be considered by Council for adoption on 27 June 2023. Find out more YALUKIT WILLAM NATURE RESERVE The transformation will continue with the wetlands and gateway building projects getting underway. 4 Let’s Talk Bayside Environment wins from bin switch WASTE The Bayside community is reducing the amount of waste we send to landfill. Our landfill diversion rate has jumped from 49% to 71% since food and green waste collections started in 2019. Last year’s bin collection switch turbo- boosted the lift, with weekly food and green waste recycling now adopted by over 85% of Bayside households. The landfill diversion rate is the percentage of material collected in our household bins which gets recycled, repurposed or reused (diverted away from landfill). To recap, since July 2022, food and green waste bins with the light green lids have been emptied weekly; and general waste bins with the red lids, emptied fortnightly. Most Bayside households now use our food and green waste service to turn their organic waste, otherwise destined for landfill, into compost. Bayside is now sending more material to be processed into compost than we are to landfill, which is testament to the commitment of our community. While Bayside’s landfill waste has dropped to record-low levels – it’s important to do more. Continuing to reduce our landfill waste is vital to continue to reduce the impact that we are having on the environment. Landfills are also filling up and the costs, which are passed directly on to ratepayers, are rising sharply. If you haven’t already done so, join the waste revolution by ordering a food and green waste bin to start turning your organic waste into nutrient rich compost. Don’t forget that eligible households can request a free larger general waste bin if they have been struggling with the change of collection schedule. Upsized or additional bins are also available for all residents for a fee. For more information BINTASTIC Nearly three quarters of the contents of our household bins is now recycled, repurposed or reused. New trucks on the way Look out for our new waste collection trucks emptying our household food and green waste, recycling and general waste bins from 1 July. Bayside’s new waste collection contractor, Cleanaway’s, new truck fleet includes an electric vehicle and showcases fresh new designs featuring some of Bayside’s much loved open spaces. Let’s Talk Bayside 5 Grassy Woodland milestone achieved ENVIRONMENT Council has secured ownership of the Highett Grassy Woodland reserve, formerly part of the CSIRO site. The three-hectare site, located on Graham Road, Highett, is an important piece of land for vegetation that will now be protected and enhanced as a conservation reserve. The handover is the culmination of a 10-year campaign of advocacy by Council and a team of dedicated community members, including the advocacy group, the Friends of Highett Grassy Woodland. It ensures that the reserve will be utilised to conserve and regenerate indigenous species and natural habitat, including rare Yellow Box eucalypts. Bayside Mayor, Cr Hanna El Mouallem said the transfer of ownership to Council would ensure the community has access to vital nature and open spaces. “The site represents an important opportunity for Bayside to protect and grow natural spaces that will enrich our community,” Cr El Moullalem said. “As our population continues to grow, it is vital that we secure open spaces for our community. The Highett Grassy Woodland site is a fantastic area that will benefit residents and protect the important nature environment for future generations to enjoy.” “This handover would not be possible without the incredible advocacy of many people over more than a decade including the Friends of Highett Grassy Woodland, and in particular Pauline Reynolds and Michael Norris.” The reserve will remain fenced to protect the natural space while a masterplan and conservation management plan are developed, including consultation with the community. For more information LOOKING TO THE FUTURE L-R - CEO Mick Cummins, Pauline Reynolds, Bayside Mayor Cr Hanna El Mouallem and Michael Norris. PRECIOUS The reserve includes rare Yellow Box Eucalypts (pictured left).6 Let’s Talk Bayside Get active and stay healthy INFRASTRUCTURE If you’re looking to stay active, check out the new exercise equipment designed for older adults at Wilson Recreation Reserve in Brighton, Illaroo Reserve in Beaumaris and Tibrockney Street Park in Highett. The new areas feature a range of outdoor equipment designed to provide more health and recreational opportunities for older members of our community. Bayside Mayor, Cr Hanna El Mouallem said that he is delighted to be able to offer this equipment to assist the older residents of our community. “We’re committed to providing a broad range of options to help our residents stay active and healthy, and I’m really pleased that this new equipment will help our older residents to get out there and enjoy exercising,” Mayor Cr El Mouallem said. The fabulous exercise areas feature a range of outdoor equipment for gentle exercise, designed for older people to help improve balance, strength, functional movement, joint range of motion and mobility. Information boards explain the correct use of each item and encourage safe exercising. The new equipment is co-located within existing playgrounds and parks that provide options for exercise for all ages. Find out more olderresidents HAVING A BALL Maureen and Jackie enjoying the new equipment in Tibrockney Street Park. We’re committed to providing a broad range of options to help our residents stay active and healthyLet’s Talk Bayside 7 Celebrating our future leaders COMMUNITY The future is in good hands with our brightest young minds and outstanding community advocates recognised for their remarkable achievements at the 2023 Bayside Youth Awards. The biennial awards celebrate exceptional individuals, aged 10 to 25, for their contributions to the Bayside community across five categories: community, creativity, environment, leadership, and the Julian Gurrieri Memorial Award for Bayside Youth Participation. Bayside Mayor, Cr Hanna El Mouallem, highlighted how the awards showcased the positive influence of young leaders in Bayside. “The past few years have been difficult for young people, but they have demonstrated remarkable resilience by staying committed and enthusiastic about the causes they care about. The Bayside Youth Awards recognise their exceptional accomplishments,” Cr El Mouallem said. Find out more volunteering Leadership Award - Flynn Megahan of the Bayside Youth Ambassadors committee, inspiring young leaders to participate in volunteer groups. Julian Gurrieri Memorial Award - Ziyin (Tommy) Zhou of Bayside Youth Services Committees, who is passionate about music and journalism, and recognised for his willingness to help his community. Community Award - Marianne Huebel, who was nominated in multiple categories, and has established projects that are both environmental and community-focused. Creativity Award - Ben Adler, who achieved media attention by starting his own business to stencil house numbers on curbs after realising emergency vehicles had difficulty finding residential homes due to faded or covered street numbers. Environment Award - Milla Besanko, who was instrumental in relaunching the Brighton Beach Patrol Group and organises monthly clean- ups; collecting, weighing and counting litter. And the winners are... SUPERSTARS There is plenty to be excited about when it comes to the next generation. Cr Hanna El Mouallem and Marianne Huebel Cr Hanna El Mouallem and Ziyin (Tommy) Zhou Cr Hanna El Mouallem and Ben Adler8 Let’s Talk Bayside Maintaining our magnificent streets INFRASTRUCTURE Bayside’s magnificent tree lined streetscapes are aflame with colour in autumn and winter, with tonnes of leaves falling on streets and footpaths. We are committed to keeping our streets clean and accessible. Our street sweepers collect leaves along selected streets from March to July. We select these streets based on the size, species and number of trees. In April and May 2022, our team collected more than 250 tonnes of leaf litter. Cleaning up leaves isn’t easy and there are a few things you can do to help keep our streets clear: •Avoid parking on the street on your sweeping days •If you can’t move your vehicle, sweep leaves from under parked vehicles the night before and remove sticks, branches and rocks. •Don’t rake or blow leaves onto the road after the sweeper has passed. Please note that street sweepers can’t sweep under cars. Leaves are blown by a manual blower and then picked up by a sweeper. We also do not sweep or collect leaves from your garden which can be included in your food and green waste bin. Drains need assistance Winter can be a difficult time for our drainage system. Heavy rainfall, fallen branches and other debris can BRIGHT AND EARLY Sweepers hit the streets before dawn to clear leaves from the roads.Let’s Talk Bayside 9 all impact the easy flow of stormwater through our drains. Our drainage team proactively cleans and removes debris from stormwater drains to prevent blockages and minimise the risk of flooding during heavy rainfall, while also carrying out regular inspections and maintenance to identify potential issues. We are committed to upgrading and modernising stormwater drainage infrastructure to enhance its capacity, efficiency and resilience. Sustainability is another priority, with measures such as the installation of rain gardens and infiltration systems, to help reduce the impact of stormwater runoff and improve water quality. Our robust emergency response plan for stormwater drainage means Council is ready to swiftly address any emergencies or disruptions in the system, ensuring the safety of our community. LEAFTASTIC Autumn leaves must be cleared to prevent drain blockage and flooding. For more information To look up your street sweeping day visit bayside. To report a drainage issue visit report-problem For life-threatening emergencies, call Triple Zero (000). For flood and storm emergencies, contact the SES on 132 500.Next >