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Bayside’s Volunteer Recruitment, Retention and Recognition Plan 2022—2026 Youth Environmental Helping Family Member Volunteers Conservation or Neighbour Acknowledgement of Country Bayside City Council proudly acknowledges the Bunurong People of the Kulin Nation as the Traditional Owners and Custodians of this land, and we pay our respects to their Elders, past, present and emerging. Council acknowledges the Bunurong’s continuing relationship to the land and waterways and respects that their connection and spiritual identity is maintained through ancient ceremonies, songlines, dance, art and living culture. Council pays tribute to the invaluable contributions of the Bunurong and other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island elders who have guided and continue to guide the work we do. Contents Acknowledgement of Country ii Executive Summary 2 1. Introduction 4 1.1 What is volunteering? 4 1.2 Value of volunteering 4 2. Volunteering in Bayside 5 2.1 About the City of Bayside 5 2.2 Snapshot of volunteering in Bayside 5 3. Emerging trends in volunteering 7 3.1 The impacts of COVID-19 on volunteering 7 3.2 Ageing volunteer workforce 7 3.3 The changing face of volunteering 7 4. Policy Context 8 4.1 National 8 4.2 State 8 4.3 Local 8 5. Development of the plan 9 5.1 Methodology 9 5.2 Themes and priority areas 10 6. Strategic Direction 11 7. Action Plan 12 References 15 Bayside’s Volunteer Recruitment, Retention and Recognition Plan 2022—2026 1 Executive Summary Bayside City Council’s Volunteer Recruitment, Retention and Recognition Plan 2022—2026 outlines the volunteering priorities for Council over the next four years. The Plan is evidence- based and is guided by the Bayside City Council Plan 2021-2025 and Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan 2021—2025, both of which acknowledge volunteering as a key deliverable to achieving a connected and thriving Bayside. The Volunteer Recruitment, Retention and Recognition Plan has been developed in close consultation with the local community and through wide-ranging collaboration with key agencies, partners and stakeholders. Implementation of the Plan will be driven by four strategic objectives which have been designed to be delivered in collaboration with key internal and external stakeholders. Partnerships and co-design are crucial in ensuring this Plan is delivered. Council’s vision is to “partner with the community to protect and care for the community of life in Bayside making an inclusive, active, healthy, connected and creative experience for all”. Volunteering can help achieve this vision by providing social and economic support to the community through opportunities that allow for community connection, as well as ensuring all volunteers feel supported, engaged, and valued for their commitment. 2 The following four objectives have been identifed as key priority areas for the next four years: 1. Increase and support volunteerism in Bayside 3. Drive opportunities that increase youth volunteering in Bayside 2. Create a coordinated approach across Council run volunteer programs 4. Strengthen the connection between Council and Volunteer Involving Organisations Bayside’s Volunteer Recruitment, Retention and Recognition Plan 2022—2026 3 1. Introduction Volunteering plays a crucial role within Bayside, contributing to the overall health and wellbeing of the community. Volunteering holds many benefts to not only the people that volunteer, but to the community as a whole. Volunteering encourages social connection, a sense of belonging, an environment where individuals can learn new skills, gain confdence and have fun. Volunteering also builds community connection and resilience. Many organisations including Council rely and thrive on volunteer passion and commitment. The nature of volunteering is changing and in Bayside there is an ageing volunteer workforce. Volunteers of all ages and abilities are increasingly looking for diverse and fexible ways to contribute their time. Currently not everyone who would like to volunteer is able to access opportunities. There is a need to fnd new ways to attract a diverse range of people to volunteering and support them to stay involved. Bayside City Council is committed to creating a vibrant and engaged volunteer community for all ages and abilities. Through this Plan, Council aims to work with the community to grow volunteer numbers and opportunities in the Bayside municipality. 1.1What is volunteering? Volunteering is defned as “time willingly given for the common good and without fnancial gain” 1 . This defnition identifes the range of methods people give their time, knowledge, or skills which fall under the following categories: Formal volunteering: includes activities within an organisation, club, or group. It usually involves a level of structure, support, or management. Informal volunteering: includes activities outside of an organisation and often involves a private arrangement – for example looking after a neighbour’s children, house or pets or providing personal help. Spontaneous volunteering: includes activities that happen without planning. It often occurs during or immediately after an event – for example responding to an accident or natural disaster. Workplace volunteering: includes activities where an employer supports staff to offer professional skills or practical support to others during work or paid time. It is one way that businesses might choose to “give back” to the community. Virtual volunteering: includes activities performed online. Communications and social media, fundraising and advocacy are common forms of virtual volunteering. 1.2Value of volunteering Volunteering lies at the heart of the Bayside community. It delivers many benefts to individuals, organisations and the community overall. Bayside volunteers get personal satisfaction from helping, giving back, and making a difference. Local data shows that individuals feel satisfed and more connected to their community as a result of volunteering 1 . Bayside organisations also beneft from volunteers. Organisations that use volunteers have access to a wider pool of local skills and experience. Volunteers are an important resource and support and can build community trust within organisations. Many organisations could not survive without the commitment of their volunteers 3 . The wider Bayside community benefts from volunteering. Volunteering helps build social networks, increases shared values, and strengthens social cohesion. People who volunteer are more likely to take part in other aspects of community life. Research shows that communities that harness volunteers are more resilient and socially connected 3 . Lastly, volunteering adds to the economy. In 2019, it is estimated that volunteering in Victoria enabled at least $58.1 billion worth of benefts across the State. The sum of commercial benefts worth $31.8 billion and civic benefts valued at $26.3 billion 3 . 4 2. Volunteering in Bayside 2.1 About the City of Bayside The City of Bayside is located 16km south-east of Melbourne along the coastline of Port Phillip Bay. Bayside’s 106,862 residents enjoy the leafy surrounds of the municipality and have identifed the close proximity to the beach, access to open space and a strong sense of community as key factors for living in Bayside. Many Bayside households are family households (36.5%) comprising couples with children. This is followed by couples without children (24.2%) and lone person households (23.3%) with this number expected to increase over the next four years with an ageing population 2 . Bayside is an ‘older’ community compared to metropolitan Melbourne with the average age of 44 years compared to 36 years in metropolitan Melbourne. There is a substantially higher percentage of aged persons in Bayside (85 years and over) when compared to metropolitan Melbourne. However Bayside has fewer younger adults (25 to 34 years) residing in the area, as reports show those aged 25-34 tend to leave Bayside seeking more affordable housing or areas closer to work and entertainment opportunities 2 . It is anticipated that there will be an increase in the number of people with a disability over the next four years in Bayside. Over 13,923 residents reported to have a disability and 4,213 reported that they needed assistance in their day-to-day lives due to a disability, long-term health condition or old age. Currently, 9,800 Bayside residents are also providing unpaid care to family members or others because of a disability or illness 2 . 2.2Snapshot of volunteering in Bayside Demographic profle Volunteering is a valued and integral part of Bayside’s community. Across the municipality, Bayside hosts many clubs, community groups and organisations. Many of these groups are managed entirely by volunteers and the services of these groups are delivered by volunteers. Others, like Council, engage volunteers alongside a paid workforce to deliver services and activities. According to the 2016 Census data, 18,801 (24%) of Bayside residents volunteered. This was signifcantly higher volunteer rates compared to other metropolitan areas in Victoria 4 . Similarly, results from the 2020 Health and Wellbeing survey conducted by Bayside City Council showed that 27.2% of respondents reported that they volunteered regularly and 36.7% reported that they volunteered sometimes. ‘Regular’ volunteering was defned as once per month or more and ‘sometimes’ was defned as less than once per month 2 . In May 2022, Bayside City Council had 353 registered volunteers across a variety of programs including: environmental groups, library services, arts and culture and youth services. Of those volunteering with Council, there were almost twice as many females than males (66% female and 34% male). Council has an ageing volunteer workforce with 78% of volunteers aged over 40 years old and 57% aged over 60 years old. With those aged under 30 years only account for 11% of Council’s volunteer workforce. There is a critical need for Council to engage younger volunteers in our programs to ensure the sustainability of our volunteer programs for the future. Bayside’s Health and Wellbeing Plan 2021—2025 5 Table 1: Bayside City Council Volunteer Age and Gender breakdown Age Gender Age Range Percentage of Volunteers Female Male Unidentified 16 years — 19 years 3.7% 54% 38% 8% 20 years — 29 years 7.4% 69% 31% 0% 30 years — 39 years 3.1% 55% 45% 0% 40 years — 49 years 7.1% 58% 33% 9% 50 years — 59 years 6.8% 76% 24% 0% 60 years — 69 years 16.2% 80% 20% 0% 70 years — 79 years 19.3% 64% 32% 4% 80 years — 89 years 1.7% 25% 50% 25% Unspecified Age 34.7% --- Social profle of Volunteers Targeted consultation undertaken during the development of this Plan identifed further information regarding the local volunteer profle. When asked about motivations for volunteering in Bayside, responses were strongest regarding ‘to give back to the community, ‘alignment with values’ and ‘enjoyment’. Many people identifed multiple responses, across a range of motivations. • Community-minded and want to give back to the community • Alignment with social, humanitarian, and environmental causes • Fun and enjoyment • Meet new people and develop social networks • Improve mental and physical health • Develop new skills – pathway to employment and improve job prospects When asked about type of volunteer work, responses for ‘planting/propagation’ and ‘conservation’ were highest. Many people identifed a range of volunteer activities they were involved in. Most popular reported volunteer activities: Environmental conservation Helping family member or neighbour Planting / propagation Rubbish collection Program and event coordination Administration Home library services Emergency relief Sport and recreation support Field Work Social support Committee member 6 3. Emerging trends in volunteering 3.1 The impacts of COVID-19 on volunteering COVID-19 has signifcantly impacted the number of volunteers nationwide. In 2020, volunteering numbers had dropped by 1.1 million across Australia, a decline of over 50% since 2019. The local government sector saw a decline of 80% across volunteering rates in 2020. Many volunteers across industries expressing concerns for health risks associated with activities, as the most signifcant barrier to volunteering 5 . Throughout the pandemic there has been an increase in demand for volunteer services and the need for more volunteers across various industries, however volunteer re-engagement and recruitment has been the biggest challenge facing organisations. Research has shown that the volunteer industry is not bouncing back and the need to invest in volunteer retention and volunteer program sustainability is a key focus moving forward 5 . 3.2Ageing volunteer workforce The Bayside municipality has an ageing volunteer workforce, with over 57% of Council volunteers aged over 60 years old. This is similar across Victoria with volunteering rates peaking amongst those aged 65 – 74 years of age 4 . It is important that Council and local volunteer involving organisations support an ageing volunteer workforce whilst also investing in increasing opportunities for younger residents to ensure the growth and sustainability of volunteerism in Bayside. 3.3The changing face of volunteering Volunteers of all ages and abilities are increasingly looking for diverse and fexible ways to contribute their time. In a recent survey completed by Volunteering Victoria, individuals were asked their preferred method to volunteer. Over 62% of individuals preferred to volunteer occasionally or with fexibility compared to 37% who preferred regular or fxed hours 3 . Due to people’s commitments with work, study, family, and possibly volunteering for other organisations or groups, they may need more fexibility to fulfl their volunteering commitments. This trend and the changing nature of work suggest that some organisations need to rethink the usual metric of ‘volunteer retention’. Newer models that can better accommodate volunteers may involve people engaging and disengaging more frequently, rather than flling ongoing roles. Volunteering undertaken on a project basis is another way to engage highly skilled and time poor volunteers. In any case, the capacity of organisations to provide more fexibility may assist in recruiting and retaining volunteers in the future 5 . Bayside’s Volunteer Recruitment, Retention and Recognition Plan 2022—2026 7 Next >